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In this section you will find all the events of the season, in Grado and surroundings.

Exhibition Michele Dissabo

- Grado

Personal exhibition Michele Dissabo till 29. September  h 10-19 at Hotel Abbazia  Via Colombo 12 Grado 


- Grado

An exhibition dedicated to Adele Bloch-bauer celebrating her life and legacy through works of art in the places she loved so much. A unique opportunity to immerse oneself in beauty and history and rediscover the eternal charm of Grado's 'golden lady'.  To kick off this exhibition, an exclusive event dedicated to contemporary art on Saturday 27...

Handicraft market

- Grado

Every Saturday and Sunday, in piazza XXVI Maggio, from 10.00 am Handicraft market  

Mostra "la belle epoque di Grado 1890-1914"

- Grado

From 5 to 31 July 2024 EXHIBITION “LA BELLE EPOqUE 1890 – 1914” Organized by the Gruppo Archeologico Aquileiese ODV association Opening hours: 7pm - 10pm daily


- Grado

“Sardelada,” fish tasting organized both near the Basilica of St. Euphemia and by the Coop. Fishermen of Grado. Sardelada in Campo Patriarca Elia: On the occasion of the feast of the patron saints SS.Ermacora and Fortunato, the Association of the Bearers of Our Lady of Barbana, in collaboration with the Municipality of Grado and the Parish...

art market

- Grado

Local arts and crafts market  Location : viale del Capricorno , largo Punta Barbacale Grado Pineta  hours : from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. For info: Anima Eventi . cell 349.3976898
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