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Home > Events > 33rd Alpe Adria Puppet Festival


- info@ctagorizia:it - vari luoghi, Grado

33rd Alpe Adria Puppet Festival

The 33rd edition of the Alpe Adria Puppet Festival will take place in Grado, San Floriano del Collio, Cividale del Friuli, Gradisca d'Isonzo and San Canzian d'Isonzo from 19 to 23 August. The festival is a landmark in the national and international panorama of figure theatre, but also an "incubator" of projects and initiatives that open up to other forms of theatre, to contaminations between different arts and experiences and histories.

From Friday 27 September to Saturday 5 October it will take place in Gorizia, Nova Gorica 33rd  Alpe Adria Puppet Festival < Back